
To the attention of Dear parents, students and all school staff!

17.07.2023 907

     It was created for you, the Ministry of preschool and school education a number of other facilities are being created in the improved information system!      Now, in the improved information system, a service for ordering and delivering textbooks will be introduced.      There are ample opportunities for the use of this information system not only by librarians, but also teachers, territorial units of the Ministry. the improved information system is planned to be implemented in more than 10,000 schools in the Republic of Uzbekistan.      Follow through our official pages!


14.07.2023 794

Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on July 14, 2023): The total number of applications received for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is more than 556 thousand. Including, in offline mode: the number of applications received is more than 482 thousand; the number of applications accepted by the school is more than 467 thousand. in online mode: the number of accepted applications is about 75 thousand; the number of applications under consideration is more than 1 thousand; the number of applications sent to the school is more than 22 thousand; the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is about 8...

List of useful and popular IT programs for you 

13.07.2023 1613

     Today there are widely popular IT programs, some of which are listed below:      Operating systems: the most popular operating systems for personal computers are Windows OS, MacOS and Linux. And for mobile devices-is Android and iOS These programs provide reliable and convenient operation with technical devices and allow you to run a variety of programs.    Platforms like social networks: Telegram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have millions of active users and offer useful offers such as communicating, sharing content, knowing news, finding vacancies and many more.      Cloud computing: cloud computing services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft...


12.07.2023 1137

     This year my child will go to the 1st grade. I made a mistake in choosing the language of instruction when applying for online admission to the 1st grade in my micro-district. How do I edit my application?      In this case, you should contact the school to which you applied, so that the application would be rejected by the school. Then the application will be removed from the system by moderators. After that, you will be able to resubmit the application to the school within your micro-district.      I have a permanent residence permit in the Navoi...

Another memorandum of cooperation in the field of STEM education was signed

11.07.2023 871

       On July 11 of this year, the Innovation, Technology and strategy center and the Center for space monitoring and geoengineering technologies will continue cooperation in the field of STEM education and jointly implement projects for the development of educational media products.      This agreement provides for the creation of a joint working group aimed at improving teaching methods in general educational institutions, developing educational and methodological manuals, as well as translating materials available at the disposal of the parties and adapting them to work processes.         The parties are confident that this cooperation is an important...

Presentation of the largest IT education platform within the framework of the Digital Leadership Forum

10.07.2023 929

      As you know, on July 7 of this year, sessions were held on such topics as "GovTech", "EdTech", "IT&BPO Outsourcing", "Venture" with the participation of more than 20 international experts and leading experts in IT.      In particular, within the framework of the "Edech" session, the study of innovative teaching methods, the development of IT-education potential in Uzbekistan, the exchange of experience and knowledge between experts from leading countries, the education of young people in accordance with the technological skills of the future and the current in the educational system.      There was also a presentation of the Coursera...


07.07.2023 880

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on July 7, 2023):      The total number of applications received for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is more than 476 thousand.      Including,      in offline mode:      the number of applications received is about 420 thousand;      the number of applications accepted by the school is about 380 thousand.      in online mode:      the number of accepted applications is about 58 thousand;      the number of applications under consideration is about 1 thousand;      the number of applications sent to the...

The Digital Leadership forum discussed the prospects of IT-education

07.07.2023 751

As previously reported, on July 7, sessions on such topics as GovTech, EdTech, IT&BPO Outsourcing, and Venture were held with the participation of more than 20 international experts. In particular, the EdTech session included presentations of programs offered to general education schools and universities in the area of IT education, human potential studies, and development of potential IT personnel. Read more about it in our next videos. Stay tuned for updates.


06.07.2023 798

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on July 6th, 2023):      The total number of applications received for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is more than 420 thousand.      Including,      in offline mode:      the number of applications received is more than 365 thousand;      the number of applications accepted by the school is about 320 thousand.      in online mode:      the number of accepted applications is more than 54 thousand;      the number of applications under consideration is about 3 thousand;      the number of applications sent...


06.07.2023 817

     The child's parents are abroad, can I apply for admission of my niece to the 1st grade?      Yes, of course, you can apply. After the formation of personal data on the electronic platform, you can attach a custody decision by specifying the appropriate field and performing further processes.      In what order can military personnel who have not been registered at their place of residence apply for enrollment of a child in a comprehensive school?      After the formation of personal data on the electronic platform, you select the serviceman checkbox. Then you can submit an application...


05.07.2023 779

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on July 5, 2023):      The total number of applications received for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is about 342 thousand.      including,      in offline mode:      the number of applications received is about 292 thousand;      the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is about 400;      the number of applications accepted by the school is about 245 thousand.      in online mode:      the number of accepted applications is about 51 thousand;      the number of applications under consideration is about 4 thousand;      the number of applications sent to the school is more than 23 thousand;      the number of...

International conference on” Uzbekistan – healthy and educated society " started

05.07.2023 800

At the same time, the International Conference “Uzbekistan – healthy and educated society” is starting its work in the Event Hall of the Uzbek cinematographic agency. At this event held within the framework of the week of international partnership initiatives on the topic ”New Uzbekistan: development, innovation and enlightenment": Minister of preschool and school education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hilola Umarova, Munir Mamedzade, head of UNICEF's mission in Uzbekistan, Managing Director of TUM International Friderike Hettinger, Steve King, director of the Department of educational services for the states of Central Asia, Cambridge Assessment, Vijay Kumar, director of the Department of Education and innovation at the...


04.07.2023 821

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on July 4, 2023):      The total number of applications received for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is about 233 thousand.      Including,      in offline mode:      the number of applications received is about 186 thousand;      the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is more than 200;      the number of applications accepted by the school is about 149 thousand.      in online mode:      the number of accepted applications is about 48 thousand;      the number of applications under...


03.07.2023 819

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on July 3, 2023):      The total number of applications received for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is about 65 thousand.      Including,      in offline mode:      the number of applications received is about 22       the number of applications received is about 22 thousand;      the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is 6; the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is 6 pcs.;      the number of applications accepted by the school is about 15 thousand.      in online mode:      the number of applications...


03.07.2023 949

     This year my child is going to 1st сlass. I would like to apply to several schools at the same time. Is it possible?      From June 20 to July 31 of the current year, you can apply for admission of a child to the 1st grade of a public school located within the microdistrict. A public school registered in a microdistrict is automatically determined by the address of residence.      Depending on the number of students in public schools, the provision of qualified teaching staff, and equipping classrooms with educational furniture, additional children may be admitted to...

The coat of arms of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a symbol of the independence of our state, freedom and pride of our people!

02.07.2023 908

     31 years ago, it was on this day that the law “On the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted.       The team of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy congratulates all our compatriots on July 2 — the adoption of the state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Our dear devotees

28.06.2023 851

     The most beautiful holiday of the Islamic Ummah -      Blessed Be Your sacrifice!      We wish your family harmony, prosperity and joy!       May our homeland always be peaceful, and the future of our people be rich in bright days!      Respectfully, ITSM team!


27.06.2023 849

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on June 27, 2023):      The total number of applications received through the electronic platform for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is more than 38 thousand.     Including:      the number of applications under consideration is more than 6 thousand;      the number of applications sent to the school is more than 17 thousand;      the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is more than 6 thousand;      the number of applications accepted by schools is about 6 thousand.      Recall that...

Dear parents!

27.06.2023 1003

     In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-270 dated December 23, 2022, in connection with the celebration of the holiday "Kurban Hait" in our country, holidays were established from June 28 to July 2 of this year in secondary schools, as in all other.      Based on the above Decree, the process of online application for admission to the 1st grade of secondary schools through the electronic platform will be temporarily suspended for 5 days, from June 28 to July 2.      From Monday, July 3 of this year, you...


26.06.2023 1157

      Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on June 26, 2023):      The total number of applications received through the electronic platform for the micro-district attached to the 1st class admission is about 34 thousand.      Including:      the number of applications under consideration is about 9 thousand;      the number of applications sent to the school is more than 14 thousand;      the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is more than 5 thousand;      the number of applications accepted by schools is about 4 thousand.      Attention to parents!...