List of useful and popular IT programs for you 



     Today there are widely popular IT programs, some of which are listed below:

     Operating systems: the most popular operating systems for personal computers are Windows OS, MacOS and Linux. And for mobile devices-is Android and iOS These programs provide reliable and convenient operation with technical devices and allow you to run a variety of programs.

   Platforms like social networks: Telegram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have millions of active users and offer useful offers such as communicating, sharing content, knowing news, finding vacancies and many more.

     Cloud computing: cloud computing services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform provide access to the most powerful computing resources and infrastructure for data storage and processing, application deployment, and software testing.

     Communication applications: platforms such as WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom and Slack allow you to communicate through text messages, audio and video calls, file sharing and virtual meetings.

     E-commerce platforms: websites and applications such as Amazon, Alibaba, eBay and Shopify are convenient and popular platforms for online shopping, sales of products and services, e-commerce.

     These were just a few examples of successful IT programs today.

     Have you ever heard of the Uzbek analogue of the ZOOM platform, which is now very popular, even a platform with a wider range of possibilities in terms of benefits?

     Of course, continue to follow our channel, our next novelty will be dedicated precisely to this platform and its capabilities!

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