Our goal

Develop and grow

The main goal of the Center for innovation, technology and strategy is to create a coordinating body for technical implementation and testing of innovative pilot projects of the preschool and school education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the center is the development, and implementation of innovative technologies, platforms, software products for the further development of the preschool and school education system


  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Strategic analysis

The mission of the center is the innovative development of the preschool and school education system, the implementation of modern innovative technologies using digital technologies, web-platforms, software products and Information Systems, strategic analysis and planning for the continued development of the sphere. The following aspects form the main approaches to development:

  • Strategic planning
  • Innovative ideas
  • Innovative platform
  • SMART management
  • Software solutions
  • Analytical research

Our Projects

Goal of the center

Development of electronic platforms

Development and implementation of innovative platforms, software products, information and multimedia systems, technical and design documentation, as well as research and analytical work

Web and mobile development

Development, realization and implementation of innovative and digital technologies in preschool and school education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Producing media materials

Preparation and introduction of proposals for the optimization and reengineering of processes, as well as the introduction of new forms of services in preschool and school education system

Our partners

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