Presentation of the largest IT education platform within the framework of the Digital Leadership Forum



      As you know, on July 7 of this year, sessions were held on such topics as "GovTech", "EdTech", "IT&BPO Outsourcing", "Venture" with the participation of more than 20 international experts and leading experts in IT.

     In particular, within the framework of the "Edech" session, the study of innovative teaching methods, the development of IT-education potential in Uzbekistan, the exchange of experience and knowledge between experts from leading countries, the education of young people in accordance with the technological skills of the future and the current in the educational system.

     There was also a presentation of the Coursera public online education project at the IT education session.

     Today, free IT courses are being introduced in the framework of this project for students of the secondary school in cooperation with IT Park and ITSM.

     For reference: the Coursera public online education project was founded in 2012 by Andrew Eun and Daphne Koller, professors of Informatics at Stanford University.



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