Another memorandum of cooperation in the field of STEM education was signed



       On July 11 of this year, the Innovation, Technology and strategy center and the Center for space monitoring and geoengineering technologies will continue cooperation in the field of STEM education and jointly implement projects for the development of educational media products.

     This agreement provides for the creation of a joint working group aimed at improving teaching methods in general educational institutions, developing educational and methodological manuals, as well as translating materials available at the disposal of the parties and adapting them to work processes.   

     The parties are confident that this cooperation is an important mechanism for popularizing STEM education and laying the groundwork for expanding and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation.

     For reference: this cooperation is an important step in the development of STEM education in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The creation of the Working Group on the exchange of educational media products and experience of the participants of the agreement praise the significant improvement of teaching methods in educational institutions

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