International conference on” Uzbekistan – healthy and educated society " started



At the same time, the International Conference “Uzbekistan – healthy and educated society” is starting its work in the Event Hall of the Uzbek cinematographic agency.

At this event held within the framework of the week of international partnership initiatives on the topic ”New Uzbekistan: development, innovation and enlightenment":

Minister of preschool and school education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Hilola Umarova,

Munir Mamedzade, head of UNICEF's mission in Uzbekistan,

Managing Director of TUM International Friderike Hettinger,

Steve King, director of the Department of educational services for the states of Central Asia, Cambridge Assessment,

Vijay Kumar, director of the Department of Education and innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, founder of the J-WEL laboratory,

Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education, Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission Vladimir Filippov,

In “KEI Advanced, Inc. Hiromitsu Sakata, director of Kawaijuku-group,

UNICEF technical advisor Matthew Goldy-Scott is in attendance.

The main purpose of the event is to discuss the role and role of education and science in the formation and development of human capital in New Uzbekistan, modern trends in reforming the educational system, to introduce them into practice with the study of the world experience and to exchange views on the effect, to introduce the general public to the reforms carried out in.

Speaking at the beginning of the conference, the Minister of preschool and school education Hilola Umarova welcomed the participants of the event with today's event and expressed her views on the topic:

"The ground on which today's Uzbek state is located was in ancient times the cradle of the two great renaissance. Great geniuses such as Fergani, Khwarazmi, Farabi, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Bukhari, Termizi, Ulughbek, Jami, Navoi grew up in this holy city.

In order to become a worthy successor to these great ancestors, in recent years, great attention has been paid to the field of education in Uzbekistan. I would not exaggerate to say that education is a big strategic issue for Uzbekistan, where more than 50% of the population is made up of young people under 29 years of age.

What works will be carried out in the educational system by 2030 is clearly defined in the concept “Education — 2030”. Within the framework of this concept, many results have been recorded in the field so far”.


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