Development of preschool and school Education System
Development and implementation of innovative technologies
Leadership, Professionalism, Innovation
The main goal of the Innovation, Technology, and Strategy Center is to create a coordinating body for the technical implementation and piloting of innovative development projects in the preschool and school education systems in the Republic of Uzbekistan. This includes the implementation of innovative digital technologies, web platforms, software products, and information systems, as well as strategic analysis and planning for the further development of the industry.
Edu Kids
Qochqin olimpiadachilar
IT-kelajak sohasi
"Shum bola"
Xon Atlas
Ilon Mask
Notiqlik san'ati
Nega klassik musiqa tinglash kerak?
Tabiat va biz
Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar insonlarga qanday ta'sir ko'rsatadi?
Etiket qoidalari
Telefon tarixi
Qanday qilib yetakchi bo'lish mumkin? 2 qism
Qanday qilib yetakchi bo'lish mumkin? 1 qism
Koinot haqida qiziqarli faktlar 2-qism
Koinot haqida qiziqarli faktlar 1-qism
Kichkina Shahzoda
Pandemiya davrida sinf qoidalari
Pandemiya davrida ota-onalar uchun tavsiyalar
Pandemiya davrida maktab qoidalari
Muzqaymoq haqida qiziqarli ma'lumotlar
Introvert va Ekstravertlar
Nega biz tush ko'ramiz?
Moda tushunchasi nima?
Jaloliddin Manguberdi afsonasi
Palov tarixi
Video o'yinlar miyaga qanday ta'sir qiladi?
3D printerlar qanday ishlaydi?
Shokolad tarixi
Muvaffaqiyatlar odamlarning odatlari
Shakar miyamizga qanday ta'sir qiladi?
Okean qanchalik chuqur
Badan tili va imo-ishoralari
How to be a good friend?
What is networking? How to build human relationships?
Bolalarda kitob o'qish ko'nikmasini hosil qilish mumkinmi?
PISA xalqaro tadqiqotida kreativ fikrlash. Suvni tejash uchun ilova
Tanqidiy fikrlash kelajak kasblari uchun muhim koʻnikma
21-asrda ishda muvaffaqiyat qozonish uchun zarur boʻladigan 8 ta koʻnikma
Kelajak velosipedi
Kelajakning TOP10 kasblari (2-qism)
Kelajakning TOP10 kasblari (1-qism)
Karantin vaqtida ota-onalarga psixologdan tavsiyalar
Bolaning qaysi kasbga moyilligini qanday aniqlash mumkin?
PISA xalqaro tadqiqotida kreativ fikrlash
Qo'llarni to'g'ri yuvish intizomi
What is the coronavirus?
Is it possible to earn money from school age using a computer?
How to enhance memory?
How important is it to teach children foreign languages?
What should your child's schedule be?
How can you make the most of your free time?
The importance of developing positive thinking of children
How can children be motivated to read and think?
Send your ideas and suggestions on the development of Preschool and school education system. After verification, they will be posted on the Portal. Each idea and proposal will be considered by the Special Commission.
Submit your ideaConcept development
Digital services
Logistics and events
Contact us