
ITSM took part in the project "Job and Career Fair" at Webster University in Tashkent

21.04.2022 1536

In order to ensure youth employment, a Job and Career Fair was organized at Webster University in Tashkent on April 19, 2022. The Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy (ITSM) also took part in this fair and held a conversation with graduates of this educational institution, asked about their knowledge and skills. More than 80 enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city of Tashkent took part in this labor fair. The event was attended by high school students, university students and young people looking for work. Graduates were provided with information about the direction of the Center's activities, the main areas of...

Diqqat, tanlov!

19.04.2022 1460

Xalq ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi Oʻzbekistondagi Shveysariya elchixonasi tomonidan moliyalashtirilayotgan “Qizlarning IT koʻnikmalarini rivojlantirish” (Digital Empowerment of Girls) loyihasi doirasida Oʻzbekiston qizlarining raqamli imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish forumini tashkillashtirish xaridlari uchun tanlov e’lon qiladi.    Tanlov nomi: “Qizlarning IT koʻnikmalarini rivojlantirish” (Digital Empowerment of Girls) loyihasi doirasida Oʻzbekiston qizlarining raqamli imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish forumini tashkillashtirish. Moliyalashtirish manbai: Mazkur tanlov Shveysariyaning O‘zbekiston Respublikasidagi elchixonasi grant mablag‘lari hisobidan moliyalashtiriladi.  Tanlov shartlari va ishtirokchining majburiyatlari haqida ushbu havola orqali tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin. Tanlovni tashkillashtirish bo‘yicha tajribaga ega tashkilotlar o‘z takliflarini elektron manziliga joriy yilning 5-may soat 18:00ga qadar yuborishlari lozim.  Batafsil ma’lumot yoki savollar bo‘yicha +998 71 207-39-39 raqamiga...

Dear parents, students and all school staff!

08.04.2022 1324

Tired of filling out a magazine in the process of issuing books from the school library? Are you worried that your book transferred from the library will disappear? Then we recommend you to use the electronic library system of the Ministry of Public Education! With the help of the electronic library system, you can track all the books in your library and the number of books issued, as well as statistics of active readers, and also easily add books available in your library through the "book database" in the system. You can also track online to whom and for how long you give...

Responsible employees of the IT sphere visited Kashkadarya region in order to study the certification process of computer science teachers

06.04.2022 1401

As you know, transparent and objective criteria for evaluating teaching staff are being created in the public education system with the introduction of international experience. Head of the IT Coordination Department of the Ministry of Public Education S.Mominov, Development Director of the ITSM Center N.Barnaev, Head of the Monitoring Department of the regional MNO A.Nasimov and other responsible persons, observing the process of certification of pedagogical personnel in computer science, wished success and success in their activities. 874 computer science teachers applying for the qualification category take part in the test processes

Practical work is underway to introduce qualified personnel and electronic educational resources in the field

06.04.2022 1403

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Kashkadarya region and the Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi. During the event, the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy held a training seminar for young students on the use of electronic resources of the national segment developed in the public education system in order to ensure the development of ICT as mature teaching staff. Also, at the initiative of the Department of Public Education, a round table of young teachers and university students was held on the topic “providing secondary...

The next area of study in the year 2022 on the requirements for modern schools is Fergana region

04.04.2022 1442

In the table you can get information about the number of schools studied by districts. The evaluation is scheduled to begin on April 6.

The ICT4Girls Digital Camp program is over!

29.03.2022 1395

ICT4Girls Digital Camp Program The other day, the General director of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy, Abduvali Haidarov, made a speech in which he urged girls to make extensive use of all the opportunities created. During the event, special thanks were expressed to the mentors who took an active part in this program and shared their knowledge and skills with the participating girls for 3 days. During the program, the mentors conducted exams in various forms in order to determine the knowledge gained by the participants. 5 girls who received high marks on the exam were recognized as winners and awarded a...

ICT4Girls Digital Camp program in action

25.03.2022 1352

On March 23 of this year, 100 selected girls from different regions of Uzbekistan took part in the ICT4Girls Digital Camp program at the Charos resort located in the Tashkent region. At the opening ceremony of the project, the girls were provided with full information about the program. Also, all participants were familiarized with the conditions created in digital_camp. Recall that ITSM The project “development of IT skills in girls” [ICT4Girls], implemented by the company, is funded by the Embassy of Switzerland.

Dear compatriots, dear mentors and students, the team of the Innovation Center for Technology and Strategy congratulates you on the Navruz holiday-the holiday of spring renewal and rejuvenation.

21.03.2022 1373

May Navruz be a holiday for all of you. May good health, good luck and happiness, family comfort never leave you. Breath of mint blows on Dimok, In the heart of the cheerful flowers are laughing,, The bride comes to the fireworks Step on the threshold, my dear guest! Happy Navruz, Uzbekistan! Happy Navruz holiday!

A presentation of electronic educational resources for computer science teachers and ICT staff took place at school No. 129 of the Uchtepa district

14.03.2022 1615

A working group consisting of employees of the Ministry of Public Education and the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy analyzed the methods of teaching ICT to school students, teaching programming languages, promoting useful educational resources and teaching computer science to teachers. Also, teachers were presented with a presentation on the widespread introduction of useful and recommended electronic educational resources in the public education system in schools.

Schoolchildren of Surkhandarya region took a virtual tour of the historical and cultural sites of Registan, Ichan-Kala and Bukhara

12.03.2022 1412

Working Group headed by Deputy Minister of Public Education Rustam Karimzhonov conducts research to assist secondary schools in Surkhandarya region. Along with studying the state of ICT in general education schools, the possibility of virtual visits by young students to historical and cultural sites in Registan, Ichan-Kale and Bukhara was demonstrated. There was also a presentation to students and teachers about the widespread introduction of useful electronic educational resources in the public education system in schools.

The team of the “Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy” sincerely congratulates you on March 8 - International Women's Day!

08.03.2022 1794

Dear and respected ladies and sisters! The team of the “Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy” wholeheartedly congratulates you on March 8 - International Women's Day. We wish you and your family endless happiness, good health and prosperity in your homes. May the smile on your face never fade, and life be full of pleasant moments. Never get tired of the development of our country, of the development of our society, of your great and noble goals. Happy Holidays!

Attention: contest!

07.03.2022 2639

Innovation, Technology and Strategy Center under the Ministry of Public Education within the framework of the project “Digital Empowerment of Girls”, funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan, announces a procurement contest to organize a spring IT camp for girls from schools/vocational schools/ colleges/ technical schools/academic lyceums.    Name of the contest: Organization of a spring IT camp for girls from schools/vocational schools / colleges / technical schools / academic lyceums within the framework of the project "Digital Empowerment of Girls”. Funding source: This competition is funded by grant funds from the Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The terms and conditions of...

Electronic educational resources of the Ministry of Public Education are in the report of the information program "Kun Khabarlari" on Samarkand regional television

04.03.2022 1908

The working group of ITSM introduced the following e-learning resources to schools in Samarkand region:   MAKTAB.UZ KITOB.UZ - Apple store | Play Market SMARTLAND - Apple store | Play Market VR SAYOHAT EDU KIDS ARTSHOP 

On March 1, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on improving the system of support for women and strengthening their role in society

02.03.2022 1904

The meeting was informed about the adoption of a program to support women's education for 2022-2026 and the provision of broad opportunities for women in the education system.  In particular, starting from 2022, 20 thousand girls who have graduated from schools and colleges will be trained annually in the field of IT on the basis of a state order. We remind that since November 2021, ITSM has been implementing the Digital Empowerment of Girls project aimed at developing young women's and girls' IT knowledge and skills.

ICT4Girls loyihasining Digital Camp dasturiga qabul boshlandi, dasturga ariza topshirish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

22.02.2022 5092

Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan ICT4Girls loyihasi doirasida yurtimiz qizlarining IT ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan ICT4Girls Digital Camp dasturi uchun qabul boshlangani e'lon qilindi. Dasturda 15 va undan katta yoshdagi maktab/kasb-hunar maktabi/kollej/texnikum/akademik litsey o‘quvchi qizlari ishtirok etishi mumkin. Oromgoh yo‘nalishlari:   Veb-dasturlash  Mobil dasturlash  Raqamli marketing   Veb-dizayn  STEM *STEM yo‘nalishidagi o‘quv dastur 8-11-sinf o‘quvchilari uchun mo‘ljallangan. 4 kunlik oromgoh Toshkent viloyatida bahorgi ta’til davomida bo‘lib o‘tadi.  Oromgoh bilan bog‘liq barcha xarajatlar tashkilotchilar tomonidan qoplanadi. ISHTIROK ETISH UCHUN YO‘NALISHLAR BO‘YICHA TALABLAR: Veb-dasturlash | Mobil dasturlash | Raqamli marketing | Veb-dizayn yo‘nalishlari uchun ariza topshiruvchilardan quyidagilar so‘raladi: 1. Ariza topshiruvchi o‘zi haqida ingliz tilida tayyorlagan 60 soniyali video (majburiy). Videoda quyidagi savollarga javob berishingizni...

Qizlar, biz bilan kuchli IT-mutaxassisga aylaning!

01.12.2021 2875

Siz kutgan ICT4Girls loyihasining mentorlik dasturi uchun qabul boshlandi. Loyiha ishtirokchisiga aylanuvchi 10 qiz mentor bilan ishlab, IT-yechim ishlab chiqish imkoniyatini qo‘lga kiritadi.  Bu hali hammasi emas! Loyiha ishtirokchilari dastur yakunida o‘zlarining IT-mahsulotlarini moliyalashtirish uchun grant yutib olishlari mumkin. Shoshiling, qabul 2021-yil 12-dekabrgacha davom etadi. Ariza to‘ldirish uchun quyidagi QR-code yoki  ushbu havoladan foydalaning:  4 oylik dasturda IT yo‘nalishida o’rta darajadagi bilim va ko‘nikmalarga ega 12-22 yoshdagi qizlar ishtirok eta oladi. ITga endi kirib kelayotgan qizlar uchun esa tez orada boshqa dasturlar uchun qabul boshlaymiz.  Kuzatishda davom eting!  

Diqqat tanlov!

19.11.2021 1950

Xalq ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi Yevropa Ittifoqi granti bilan moliyalashtirilayotgan «O‘zbekistonda mustaqil o‘qituvchilar assotsiatsiyalari imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish» loyihasi doirasida xalq taʻlimi tizimida faoliyat olib boruvchi oʻqituvchilar uchun seminar-trening tashkillashtirish ishlari uchun tanlov e’lon qiladi. Seminar-trening oʻqituvchilik kasbining psixologik xususiyatlari hamda oʻqituvchilarning huquq va majburiyatlari, jumladan uyushmalar tashkilish etish huquqi mavzularida oʻtkazilishi lozim. Tanlovda tadbirlar va treninglar tashkillashtirish boʻyicha tajribaga ega tashkilotlar oʻz tijoriy takliflari bilan qatnashishlari mumkin. Batafsil maʻlumot va talablar quyida keltirilgan. Takliflar 2021-yil 26-noyabrgacha qabul qilinadi.  Loyiha haqida Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi tomonidan amalga oshirilayotgan “O‘zbekistonda mustaqil o‘qituvchilar assotsiatsiyalari imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish” loyihasi Yevropa Ittifoqi tomonidan moliyalashtirilayotgan bo‘lib,...

Kimyo, fizika va biologiya fani oʻqituvchilari malakasini oshirish boʻyicha seminar oʻz ishini boshladi

05.11.2021 2436

Kimyo, fizika va biologiya fani bo‘yicha respublikamiz oʻqituvchilarining malakasini oshirish boʻyicha seminar oʻz ishini boshladi Joriy yilning 5-noyabr kuni, poytaxtimizning 110-sonli ixtisoslashtirilgan davlat umumta’lim maktabida STEM ta’limini rivojlantirish maqsadida fizika, kimyo va biologiya fanlaridan laboratoriya ishlarini olib borish yuzasidan o‘qituvchilarni kasbiy tayyorlash va malakasini oshirishga oid oʻquv-trening boshlandi. Trening Xalq ta’limi vazirligi, Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi hamda  Respublika ta’lim markazi tomonidan tashkil etilgan bo‘lib, ochilish marosimida xalq ta’limi vaziri o‘rinbosari Rustam Karimjonov, Taʼlim sifati jarayonlarini muvofiqlashtirish, pedagog kadrlarni tayyorlash va ularning salohiyatini oshirish boshqarmasi boshligʻi Laziz Xo‘jakulov hamda sohaga doir qator mutaxassislar ishtirok etishdi.  4 kunlik oʻquv-treningda STEM ta’limini joriy etish...

O‘zbekistonda ILK BOR Ahmad al-Farg‘oniy nomidagi xalqaro fizika olimpiadasi bo‘lib o‘tadi

28.10.2021 2190

Joriy yilning 8–13 noyabr kunlari Farg‘ona viloyatida Ahmad al-Farg‘oniy nomidagi  IAFPhO 2021 xalqaro fizika olimpiadasi bo‘lib o‘tadi. Xalqaro olimpiadada dunyoning 15 dan ortiq davlatidan 100 nafardan ortiq o‘quvchi qatnashishi kutilmoqda. Biz barcha yosh fiziklarni olimpiadada ishtirok etishga taklif etamiz! Arizalar 15 - oktyabrgacha sayti orqali qabul qilinadi. Batafsil ma'lumot uchun