
Xalqaro bolalarni ximoya qilish kuniga bag‘ishlangan “O‘ynaymiz-o‘rganamiz” festivali bo‘lib o‘tdi

06.06.2022 2262

Xalq ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi Respublika ta’limi markazi tomonidan Toshkent shahrining Botanika bog‘ida Xalqaro bolalarni ximoya qilish kuniga bag‘ishlangan maktab o‘quvchilari uchun “O‘ynaymiz-o‘rganamiz” shiori ostida hayotiy ko‘nikmalar festivali tashkil etildi! ITSMning Maktabdan tashqari ta’lim va elektron resurslarni rivojlantirish boshqarmasi mas’ul xodimlari 4 ta yo‘nalish bo‘yicha tashkil etilgan Raqamli, Amaliy, STEAM va Texnologiya burchaklarning birida ishtirok etib, “Smartland” va “VR-sayohat” loyihalarini bolalarga taqdim etishdi.  Festival davomida jajji bolajonlar zavq bilan Samarqand, Buxoro, Xiva va Shahrisabz kabi tarixiy shaharlarga virtual sayohat qilishdi hamda Smartland veb-platformasi orqali o‘zlarining bilimlarini sinovdan o‘tkazishdi. Ushbu taqdimotlar bolalarni interaktiv ta’lim olishga bo‘lgan qiziqishlarini yanada kuchaytirdi. Festival yakunida bolajonlarga sovg‘alar va bayram tuhfalari...

Do you want to achieve great heights in the IT field?

27.05.2022 2401

ITSM will help and provide comprehensive support to young girls who want to study different areas of IT! Have you dreamed of becoming a highly qualified specialist in this field for a long time, but could not decide where to start? ICT4Girls Project opens the door to new opportunities! Maftuna Makhkamova will tell about her participation in the project organized by ITSM in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan. She became the winner of the "Mobile development" direction "Digital Camp" programs. You can read the details of becoming a strong specialist in!  

ITSM continues to introduce innovative solutions to improve the education system!

25.05.2022 2258

Today, on May 25, the management of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy met with representatives of foreign companies Omega, Megafon, Information Technology Factory and Digital Holding. At the meeting, representatives of the company presented their IT products and developments in the field of education, as well as exchanged views with the leadership of the ITSM on promising joint projects in the public education system.

Prospects of cooperation between ITSM and EPAM were discussed

25.05.2022 2556

On May 24 of this year, a meeting was held with the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy and EPAM. During the meeting, Dmitry Ermak, Director of Educational Projects at EPAM Belarus, was informed about the activities and long-term plans of EPAM in Uzbekistan. Representatives of EPAM also got acquainted with ongoing projects in the field of digitalization and innovation in the field of public education. During the conversation, EPAM provided information about the creation of a new digital university in Uzbekistan, as well as discussed issues of cooperation on innovative ideas in online education. They also expressed an urgent request to provide...

The presentation of electronic educational resources of the Ministry of Public Education took place in the secondary schools of the city of Navoi

20.05.2022 2658

Employees of the Ministry of Public Education and the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy conducted work on familiarization with electronic educational resources of the national segment created by the Ministry of Public Education in order to ensure effective and pleasant pastime of students during the summer holidays. In addition, as a result of the analysis of students' interest in modern professions at the moment, recommendations were given for the study of all professions in the field of robotics, programming and IT. During the presentation, readers shared their thoughts and opinions, found answers to their questions. It is worth noting that teachers...

The winners of the ICT4Girls mentoring program have been announced and awarded with a grant

14.05.2022 2516

Participants of the mentoring program have created 10 IT products that solve a specific social problem. These projects were evaluated by neutral industry experts based on special criteria. Today's forum within the framework of the project, 3 highly appreciated IT products were announced, as well as a grant of 50 million soums allocated for their development and launch was provided. Winners of the program: Eshmatov's celebrity with an editorial platform; Sabohat Kalandarova with a special mobile application for women; Zilolakhon Yuldasheva with a website that helps to orient young people to the profession. The remaining 7 participants of the program were awarded laptops. On behalf of...

Why does the IT industry need more women?

13.05.2022 2605

Today, it is becoming relevant to attract more women and girls to the IT sector, since it is based on innovation and innovation. The 1st panel discussion of the forum on expanding the digital opportunities of girls in Uzbekistan was devoted to this topic. Forum in 1-panel discussion: Hilola Umarova, Director of the Agency of Presidential Educational Institutions Rustam Karimzhonov, Deputy Minister of Public Education Farkhod Ibragimov, Director of the IT Park Oleg Andreevich Pecos, First Deputy Minister for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications for the Digital Economy and e-Government. During the discussion, the speakers discussed a wide range of issues related to this...

The forum on expanding the digital opportunities of girls of Uzbekistan has been launched!

13.05.2022 2262

The forum on expanding the digital opportunities of girls in Uzbekistan was opened by the first Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Akmal Saidov, Deputy Minister of Public Education Rustam Karimzhonov and representative of the Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan Rachel Boesh. Today's forum consists of 4 panels, where, as expected, the following topical issues in the field of IT will be discussed: – why does the IT industry need more women; – current problems and success stories in IT education; – increasing women's employment in the IT world: problems and solutions; – successful career in IT.

Looking for a job/study in the IT field?

12.05.2022 2235

We invite you to the fair of labor and education, which will be held on May 13 at the Hilton Hotel. At the fair, universities, training centers, local and international IT companies and other relevant organizations providing IT education services will talk about their capabilities. The Fair of Labor and Education is open not only for girls, but also for boys ‼️ Registration is not required to attend the fair. So, we are waiting for you tomorrow (May 13) at 14:00-17:00 at the Hilton Hotel!

The Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy has been accepted into the BOOST accelerator of the UN Development Program

07.05.2022 2199

The UNDP Regional Social Innovation Program BOOST: Innovator Women in Europe and Central Asia, announced the names of 55 winners of the accelerator program for women. ITSM will also participate in a 12-week mentoring and training program aimed at empowering women digitally among these winners. BOOST is a regional program that encourages innovation in the following 4 areas: – women when working with data; – women and digital opportunities; – women in STEAM and the Digital Economy; – women are leaders in technological innovation. More than 300 applications from more than 20 countries of the European and Central Asian region were received for participation in the...

On April 30 of this year, a nationwide charity hashar was organized under the motto "Improvement of the mahalla – the welfare of the country"

30.04.2022 2322

On the occasion of hashar, employees of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy organized landscaping and landscaping of the park of secondary school No. 316, located in Shaikhantakhur district. The school garden was put in order and cleaned. Also, within the framework of the national project "Yashil makon", 20 bushes of fruit and ornamental trees were planted in the school garden.

ITSM took part in the ”Spring Career Fair 2022" job fair at the Singapore Institute of Management Development in Tashkent

30.04.2022 2319

In order to ensure youth employment, on April 28, 2022, a job fair “Spring Career Fair 2022” was organized at the Singapore Institute of Management Development in Tashkent. The Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy (ITSM) also took part in this fair and held a conversation with graduates of this educational institution, asked about their knowledge and skills. More than 100 enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city of Tashkent took part in this labor fair. University students and young people looking for work expressed their interest in the event. Graduates were provided with information about the direction of the Center's activities,...

We invite you to the forum on expanding the digital opportunities of girls of Uzbekistan!

29.04.2022 2315

As part of the ICT4Girls project, a forum on expanding the digital opportunities of Uzbek girls will be held at the Hilton Hotel on May 13. The event will be attended by representatives of government agencies, international organizations, educational institutions and training centers. Forum - Support girls in the IT industry by showing them the attention they pay; - promotion of IT projects developed by girls; - organized in order to jointly find solutions to existing problems in the field. Within the framework of the forum, a labor and education fair will also be organized in order to provide information about existing training programs and...

Presentation of electronic educational resources for schoolchildren and teachers was held in 97 schools of Tashkent

25.04.2022 3686

During March and April, employees of the "Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy" in 3 districts (Shaikhantakhur, Uchtepa and Almazar) of Tashkent city, together with ICT specialists of the district, gave students the necessary instructions to prevent malicious information threatening the Internet, the correct search for information, and the effective use of available resources. At the same time, a presentation of the following useful electronic educational resources in the public education system was held for teachers and students: MAKTAB.UZ KITOB.UZ - Apple Store / Play Маркет SMARTLAND - Apple Store / Play Маркет / веб-версия VR Путешествия Edu Kids Artshop EduCare

ITSM took part in the project "Job and Career Fair" at Webster University in Tashkent

21.04.2022 2431

In order to ensure youth employment, a Job and Career Fair was organized at Webster University in Tashkent on April 19, 2022. The Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy (ITSM) also took part in this fair and held a conversation with graduates of this educational institution, asked about their knowledge and skills. More than 80 enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city of Tashkent took part in this labor fair. The event was attended by high school students, university students and young people looking for work. Graduates were provided with information about the direction of the Center's activities, the main areas of...

Diqqat, tanlov!

19.04.2022 2330

Xalq ta’limi vazirligi huzuridagi Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi Oʻzbekistondagi Shveysariya elchixonasi tomonidan moliyalashtirilayotgan “Qizlarning IT koʻnikmalarini rivojlantirish” (Digital Empowerment of Girls) loyihasi doirasida Oʻzbekiston qizlarining raqamli imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish forumini tashkillashtirish xaridlari uchun tanlov e’lon qiladi.    Tanlov nomi: “Qizlarning IT koʻnikmalarini rivojlantirish” (Digital Empowerment of Girls) loyihasi doirasida Oʻzbekiston qizlarining raqamli imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish forumini tashkillashtirish. Moliyalashtirish manbai: Mazkur tanlov Shveysariyaning O‘zbekiston Respublikasidagi elchixonasi grant mablag‘lari hisobidan moliyalashtiriladi.  Tanlov shartlari va ishtirokchining majburiyatlari haqida ushbu havola orqali tanishib chiqishingiz mumkin. Tanlovni tashkillashtirish bo‘yicha tajribaga ega tashkilotlar o‘z takliflarini elektron manziliga joriy yilning 5-may soat 18:00ga qadar yuborishlari lozim.  Batafsil ma’lumot yoki savollar bo‘yicha +998 71 207-39-39 raqamiga...

Dear parents, students and all school staff!

08.04.2022 2192

Tired of filling out a magazine in the process of issuing books from the school library? Are you worried that your book transferred from the library will disappear? Then we recommend you to use the electronic library system of the Ministry of Public Education! With the help of the electronic library system, you can track all the books in your library and the number of books issued, as well as statistics of active readers, and also easily add books available in your library through the "book database" in the system. You can also track online to whom and for how long you give...

Responsible employees of the IT sphere visited Kashkadarya region in order to study the certification process of computer science teachers

06.04.2022 2304

As you know, transparent and objective criteria for evaluating teaching staff are being created in the public education system with the introduction of international experience. Head of the IT Coordination Department of the Ministry of Public Education S.Mominov, Development Director of the ITSM Center N.Barnaev, Head of the Monitoring Department of the regional MNO A.Nasimov and other responsible persons, observing the process of certification of pedagogical personnel in computer science, wished success and success in their activities. 874 computer science teachers applying for the qualification category take part in the test processes

Practical work is underway to introduce qualified personnel and electronic educational resources in the field

06.04.2022 2359

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Kashkadarya region and the Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi. During the event, the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy held a training seminar for young students on the use of electronic resources of the national segment developed in the public education system in order to ensure the development of ICT as mature teaching staff. Also, at the initiative of the Department of Public Education, a round table of young teachers and university students was held on the topic “providing secondary...

The next area of study in the year 2022 on the requirements for modern schools is Fergana region

04.04.2022 2419

In the table you can get information about the number of schools studied by districts. The evaluation is scheduled to begin on April 6.