

23.06.2023 935

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on June 23, 2023):      The total number of applications received through the electronic platform for the micro-district attached to the 1st class reception is more than 25 thousand. Including:      the number of applications sent to the school is more than 7 thousand;      the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is more than 2 thousand;      the number of applications accepted by schools is about 1 thousand.      Additional information about the admission process can be obtained in the telegram channel @mymaktab_uz or by phone...

Dear parents!

22.06.2023 1236

     This video instruction shows how to enroll in a "queue" to attend school in an attached neighborhood, based on applications with the status "Sent to school" approved by the moderators of the system.      Note! You must go to school with your child, independently determining the day and time of school attendance, and receiving a medical certificate about the child's health at that time.      You can get additional information about the reception processes via the telegram channel @mymaktab_uz or by phone 71 203 07 04.  


22.06.2023 987

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on June 22, 2023):      The total number of applications received through the electronic platform for the micro-district attached to the 1st class reception is more than 18 thousand Including:      the number of applications sent to the school is more than 4 thousand;       the number of applications returned to citizens for editing is more than 1 thousand;      the number of applications accepted by schools is more than 200.      Additional information about the admission process can be obtained in the telegram channel @mymaktab_uz or by phone...


21.06.2023 1002

     Indicators for applications received through the electronic platform (until 19:00 on June 21, 2023):      The total number of applications received for admission to the 1st grade is more than 10,000.      Additional information about the admission process can be obtained in the telegram channel @mymaktab_uz or by phone 71 203-07-04.


20.06.2023 1070

     Indicators of requests received through the electronic platform (as of June 20, 2023):      The number of applications received for admission to the 1st grade is 3044.      Additional information about the reception process can be obtained in the telegram channel @mymaktab_uz or by phone 71 203-07-04.

Dear parents!

20.06.2023 1929

VIDEO INSTRUCTION of the electronic platform on online registration and online admission of students to the 1st grade of secondary schools for the 2023-2024 academic year. We remind you that from June 20 to July 31 of this year, applications will be sent only to schools attached to microdistricts, starting from August 1 to August 15 of this year, applications will be sent to schools located outside the microdistricts. Additional information about the admission process can be obtained in the telegram channel @mymaktab_uz or by calling 71 203-07-04.


19.06.2023 1612

     According to the established procedure, admission processes to the 1st grade take place in 2 stages. Stage 1: within micro-regions (June 20-July 31) Stage 2: beyond the micro-regions (August 1-15)      In 43 districts (cities) admission processes to the 1st grade are carried out through public services in electronic form.      In this case, from 12:00 on June 20, parents must register and submit an application through the electronic platform      In other regions, admission to the 1st grade will take place directly in schools in traditional forms, through the electronic system of the Ministry (      For information: in the 2023-2024 academic...


19.06.2023 43825

     We want to inform you about the creation of another convenience for you.      Starting from June 20 of this year, you can download your certificate in online format through the information platform!      For reference, information about the certificates of graduates of grades 11 is integrated into the electronic platform for admission to universities of the "Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency" (formerly DTM).      Therefore, in the process of submitting electronic documents to higher educational institutions, information about the graduate certificate is provided automatically. Graduates do not need to personally present their certificates.      For information,...

A memorandum was signed within the framework of the Engineering Class project

16.06.2023 1095

On June 15 of this year, the Innovation Center, represented by CEO Mirbabaev Farrukh Athamovich, and "Kibernetikada innovatsiyalar IT-parki" LLC, represented by Director Albert Almazovich Khamzin, as well as "Dreamtech" LLC, represented by Sergey Simanovsky, signed a memorandum confirming the intention of further cooperation in accordance with which will be carried out joint development of educational media products for the project "Engineering class" from Omega company, whose representative in Uzbekistan is LLC "Dreamtech". Reminder: The "Engineering Class" project is aimed at developing digital competencies, engineering and technical skills of schoolchildren using educational IT products from Russian leading manufacturers of educational equipment.

June 1 - International Child Protection Day

01.06.2023 1220

Ensuring our rights, such as the preservation of our children, the owners of our future, the realization of their immaculate dreams, being healthy, receiving quality education, having a quiet and calm life, full access to all the opportunities that our time offers, is today the task of all adult people! Not only on this day, but always in our apartments, the impeccable children's laughter sounds baralla! Children of independent Uzbekistan are always under the protection of the state!

A new step towards effective cooperation

29.05.2023 1074

On may 29 of this year, a meeting with the representative of the Cambridge Assessment Stephen King was held under the leadership of ITSM General Director Mirbabayev Farrukh Athamovich. During the meeting, variative education and STEM issues, the system of assessment of students as well as the possibilities of cooperation within the framework of practical tasks of scientific disciplines were discussed. Stephen King was thanked by the director-general of the Centre for helping to organise events at the University of Cambridge as well as being presented with a memorial. Recall that the ITSM delegation visited the University of Cambridge in March of this...

May 9 is the Day of Remembrance and Honors!

09.05.2023 1269

May 9 is the personification of the unity of the multinational people of Uzbekistan. We remember the heroes and defenders of the Motherland with deep gratitude and pride. On this day, we wish the people of Uzbekistan good, well-being and prosperity. May peace and tranquility always reign in our country! Sincerely, the team of the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy.

The training ”AI for Girls V2.0" has started

05.05.2023 1318

On May 4 of this year, the project "Artificial Intelligence for Girls" - AI for Girls V2. 0, which will last 2 days, was launched and was developed by the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy under the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is being implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Technologies and Constructor University, Germany. The purpose of the project - the development of girls' IT skills, the basics of programming and working with artificial intelligence. The two-day training was attended by 29 pupils from secondary schools aged 14 to 18 years,...


20.04.2023 1540

ITSM and the German Constructor University announce the training incubator "AI for Girls v2.0". The acceptance of applications for the educational incubator "AI for Girls v2.0", will begin very soon, which is organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Technologies. This initiative is being implemented to develop artificial intelligence skills among female students in Uzbekistan. The training incubator will be held on May 4-5 in Tashkent. The training is intended for students of secondary schools, academic lyceums, vocational schools and colleges. Selection criteria: knowledge of the basics of programming algorithms, Scratch and English language. Follow our news!

"Edison Workshop" mahorat darsidan video lavha

19.04.2023 1227

ITSM tomonidan "EdScratch, EduBlocks, EdPy, Python va Edison-Loops dasturlash tillaridan foydalanish asoslari hamda robotlarni boshqarish tizimlari" kabi mavzularda tashkil etilgan "Edison Workshop" mahorat darsidan video lavha.

Bugun ITSM tomonidan umumta'lim maktablarining AKT oʻqituvchilari uchun dasturlash va robototexnika boʻyicha "Edison Workshop" mahorat darslari tashkil etildi.

17.04.2023 1199

O'quv mashg'ulotlari IT-Park hamda AQSh elchixonasi koʻmagida, "Stem4learning" (AQSh) kompaniyasi vakili, STEAM ta'limi bo'yicha murabbiy va mutaxassis Allan Miller boshchiligida olib borildi. Trening ishtirokchilari AKT darslarini mazmunli va qiziqarli o'tish usullari,  "EdScratch", "EduBlocks", EdPy, "Python" va "Edison-Loops" dasturlash tillaridan foydalanish asoslari, robotlarni boshqarish  tizimlari kabi mavzularni ko'rib chiqdilar. Amaliy mashg'ulotlar o'qituvchilarga robototexnika va dasturlash tushunchalarini chuqurroq o'zlashtirish, kasbiy faoliyatlari jarayonida ulardan to'g'ri va samarali foydalanish uslublari bilan tanishish imkonini berdi.

Bugun 9-aprel sanasida, Buyuk bobokalonimiz Sohibqiron Amir Temur tavalludiga 687 yil to‘ldi

09.04.2023 3110

Amir Temur – tarixda o‘chmas iz qoldirgan, Sharq va G‘arb davlatlari yuksak baholagan dono strateg, dovyurak sarkarda, adolatli davlat arbobi, o‘z xalqiga ozodlik va hurlik nashidasini taqdim etgan Buyuk shaxs bo‘lgan.      Amir Temurning davlat va qo'shin tuzilishidagi islohotlari, hattoki, raqiblari tomonidan ham o‘z davrining buyuk kashfiyotlari sifatida yuksak baholangan.  Amir Temur tuzgan davlatning qudrati, madaniy va maʼnaviy yuksakligi, jahonga mashhur ko‘plab olimlarni yetishib chiqishiga sabab bo‘lgan. Bugun Sohibqiron Amir Temur davlatimiz va xalqimiz ardog‘ida!

Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vazirligining YouTube dagi "Milliy taʼlim resurslari" kanalidan SUPER yangilikni siz bilan baham ko'rishga shoshilmoqdamiz!

07.04.2023 2509

Qadrli kuzatuvchilarimiz! Joriy yilning 10-aprel sanasidan boshlab,  "Milliy ta'lim resurslari" rasmiy kanalimizga 7 turdagi, hozirda urfda bo'lgan va katta daromad keltiradigan kasblarni o'rgatuvchi video-darsliklarni e'tiboringizga havola etamiz! Ushbu video-darsliklarimiz, quyidagi ro'yxatda keltirilgan: 1. Mobilografiya  2. Copywriting 3. Biznesda ingliz tili  4. Proyekt menejer  5. Biznes etika  6. Hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi 7. Liderlik qobiliyatini shakllantirish "Milliy ta'lim resurslari" kanaliga obuna bo'lishni unutmang, bizni kuzatib boring va birinchilardan bo‘lib, yangi yo'nalishdagi  video-darslarimiz foydalanuvchisiga aylaning! 71 2020909

Sizlarga qulaylik yaratish maqsadida, platformasida yana bir davlat xizmati joriy etildi!

05.04.2023 9337

Hurmatli ota-onalar! Endilikda Siz, Maktabgacha va maktab taʼlimi vazirligining platformasida yurtimizning istalgan hududlarida joylashgan umumtaʼlim maktablarida tahsil olayotgan farzandingizni Toshkent shahar, Qoraqalpogʻiston Respublikasi va viloyat markazlaridagi maktablarga onlayn tarzda oʻtkazish boʻyicha ariza berish imkoniyatiga egasiz. Batafsil maʼlumotlarni ushbu video yoʻriqnoma orqali hamda Telegram kanali yoki 71 203-07-04 telefon raqami orqali olishingiz mumkin.  

“BETT Show Tech exhibition” koʻrgazmasi doirasida bir qator samarali uchrashuvlar boʻlib oʻtdi

01.04.2023 1064

ITSM jamoasi London koʻrgazmasidagi ishtiroki davomida Kembrij shahrida joylashgan “Cambridge University”ning fizika boʻlimi mutaxassislari bilan “STEAM” taʼlimoti hamda “Cambridge Assessment” kompaniyasi vakillari bilan Oʻzbekistonda “STEM” — “Science Technology Engineering Math” taʼlimi mavzusiga bagʻishlangan bir qator muhokama uchrashuvlarini oʻtkazdilar. “Cambridge Assessment” vakillari orasida Yevropa va Osiyo mintaqasidagi islohotlar boʻlimi boshligʻi — Steve King, oʻquv dasturlari va oʻquv materiallari boʻlimi boshligʻi — Daniel Morish, taʼlim texnologiyalari boʻlimi boshligʻi va “Cambridge University” professori — Julia Citron xonim va boshqalar ishtirok etdilar. Uchrashuvlar davomida “STEAM” tashabbuslari orqali yurtimizga koʻproq innovatsiya loyihalarini olib kelish uchun mavjud taʼlim usullarini takomillashtirish va inson kapitalini rivojlantirish masalalari muhokama qilindi.