
«Edu Market» interfaol virtual ta'lim platformasi doirasida tanlov

28.05.2020 5701

«Edu Market» interfaol ta’lim platformasi har bir yosh uchun mo‘ljallangan onlayn o‘rganish tizimi bo‘lib, dunyoning istalgan nuqtasidan turib bilim olish jarayonini yanada maroqli qiladi. Edu Market platformasi ijodkorlari 100 dona promo-kodli vaucherlarni tarqatmoqda! Endi sizda ushbu vaucherlardan birini yutib olish imkoniyati paydo bo‘ldi. Tanlov 28 maydan 20 iyunga qadar o‘tkaziladi. Tanlovda ishtirok etish uchun: 1. Edu Market ilovasini Play Market yoki App Store orqali yuklab oling va qurilmangizga o'rnating. 2. Markazimizning Facebook sahifasiga obuna bo'ling. 3. Quyidagi postni Facebook`dagi shaxsiy sahifangizda ulashing. 4. Izohda 5 ta do'stingizni belgilab, ilovadagi ro'yxatdan o'tgan ID raqamingizni #iplayedumarket heshteg yozuvi bilan yozib qoldiring. Tanlov 29.05.2020 dan 20.06.2020 ga qadar o'tkaziladi. Eslatib o‘tamiz, yuqoridagi barcha shartlarni to'liq bajargan ishtirokchilar...

Jahon banki Xalq taʼlimi vazirligi huzuridagi Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi loyihalari haqida ta'kidlab o'tdi

29.04.2020 2580

Jahon bankining rasmiy veb-saytida «Oʻzbekiston: maktablarning yopilishiga oʻz vaqtida javob» nomli maqola eʼlon qilindi. Maqolada bank mutaxassislarining taʼkidlashicha, 22-aprel holatiga koʻra 180 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda maktablarni yopish toʻgʻrisida qaror qabul qilinishi kamida 1,7 milliard oʻquvchiga oʻz taʼsirini koʻrsatgan. «Oʻzbekiston, koʻplab davlatlar singari, koronavirus tarqalishining oldini olish uchun barcha maktablarni yopishga majbur boʻldi. Qaror 15-mart kuni, mamlakatda COVID-19 ning birinchi holati roʻyxatga olingan kunda qabul qilindi. Ikki kun oʻtgach, Xalq taʼlimi vazirligi karantin davrida umumtaʼlim maktablarning 6,1 million nafar oʻquvchilari uchun masofadan turib onlayn taʼlim berilishi haqidagi hukumat qarorini eʼlon qildi. Vazirlik bu choralarni oʻz vaqtida qabul qildi. 30-martga qadar 350 dan ortiq videodarslar tayyorlangan...

«Qora oqqush hodisasi»: pandemiyaning jahon moliya bozoriga ta'siri haqida

24.04.2020 3430

Nabi Togayev Jorj Vashington universiteti MBA18 bitiruvchisi, Moliyaviy tahlilchi, ITSM xodimi Har qanday kutilmagan katta hodisa – u xoh salbiy bo‘lsin, xoh ijobiy – insoniyat tarixida chuqur iz qoldiradi. Bunday hodisalar fan tilida «qora oqqush hodisasi» (black swan event) deb ataladi. 2019 yil dekabr oyida Uxan shahrida boshlangan Covid-19 epidemiyasining dunyoga ta'sirini bundan bir necha oy oldin tasavvur qilish qiyin edi. Hatto ba'zi mutaxassislar Covid-19’ni mavsumiy gripp yoki boshqa o‘pka kasalliklariga o‘xshatishdi, vahima qilishga o‘rin yo‘qligini ta'kidlashdi. Bu – xuddi qora oqqushning Avstraliya qirg‘oqlarida mavjud ekaniga ornitolog olimlar ishonmay kelishgani, toki 1697 yilda uni ko‘rib hayratda qolganlaridek, yuzaga kelib turgan pandemiya ko‘pchilik uchun haqiqiy...

Education World Forum - 2020

12.03.2020 3237

Education World Forum - 2020 Buyuk Britaniyaning ta'lim sohasidagi “Education World Forum-2020” tarixida ilk marotaba dunyoning 100 dan ortiq mamlakatlari ta'lim vazirliklari orasida O‘zbekiston ta'lim sohasida olib borayotgan ulkan islohotlar bo‘yicha taqdimot qilindi.  1200 dan ortiq xorijiy ekspertlar bilan ta'lim sohasiga oid yangiliklar muhokama qilinib, 30 dan ortiq ilg‘or tashkilotlar va kompaniyalar bilan samarali hamkorlik o‘rnatildi! dfgdfgdfg

English Speaking Nation Project officially launched

10.03.2020 3850

On Monday, March 9, US Ambassador Daniel Rosenblum and Minister of Public Education Sherzod Shermatov participated in the English Speaking Nation program launching ceremony in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  English Speaking Nation: Secondary Teacher Training (ESN:STT) will offer professional development and teacher training opportunities to Uzbekistan secondary school language teachers over the next three years. “The United States is honored to be able to support Uzbekistan’s goal of improving English language teaching, which will result in more proficient English language skills for students,” Ambassador Rosenblum said. “English language provides the bridge to communicate with new contacts in academia, science and business, and gives...

EF Education First intends to invest about $60 million direct investment for the development of English in Uzbekistan

05.03.2020 4920

The Swedish company EF Education First intends to invest about $ 60 million in direct investments for the implementation of joint projects to develop the English language in Uzbekistan. On March 5, 2020, Minister of Public Education of Uzbekistan Sherzod Shermatov and President of EF Education First Karl-Johann Westring signed a memorandum of understanding. EF Education First is one of the largest private educational companies in the world, which offers various educational programs in English, methods and pedagogical approaches to increase the effectiveness of learning English. Within the framework of the document, the parties intend to create the foundation for the development of...

The President held a meeting on model projects of modern schools and the development of the exact sciences

03.03.2020 6193

On March 2, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting to discuss priority tasks in the public education system. From the very beginning of his activity as the President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev has repeatedly noted the problem of lack of skilled human resources in our country in almost all areas. The issue is important because there is an urgent need in qualified specialists who would make their cotribution to the development of the country in line with the current reforms. To this end, the entire education system has fundamentally been improved. Preschool education is also developing at a fast...

Grand opening of the interactive-virtual educational program "Edu Market"

17.02.2020 4814

On February 15, 2020, the presentation of the interactive-virtual educational program Edu Market was held at Inha University in Tashkent. In his address to the Oliy Majlis, the President of Uzbekistan noted that to achieve sustainable development, we must deeply master digital knowledge and information technology, which will enable us to take the shortest path to achieve comprehensive progress. The Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan has initiated the Edu Market project to provide knowledge using modern technologies. This platform was created by Game Zale developers and is being implemented by the Innovation, Technology, and Strategy Center under the Ministry of Public Education...

Tashkent International Investment Forum

11.02.2020 2766

ITSM encourages potential investors to participate in the Tashkent International Investment Forum which will be held on March 5-6, 2020 at the initiative of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev. The event will take place at the Congress Hall of the International Business Center in Tashkent City with the participation of key government officials, leaders of diverse sectors, CEOs of various companies and organizations. ITSM is looking forward to collaborating on a variety of innovative and digital projects aimed at accelerated development of the public education sector. For participation at Forum:

EduKids - Digest 1: How to motivate kids to study?

29.11.2019 2871

Bizning kreativ jamoamiz tomonidan yangi loyiha #EduKids loyihasi ishga tushirildi. Loyihaning asosiy maqsadi bu yoshlarimizni kelajakda muvaffaqiyatga erishishlari va oʻz ustida ishlashga motivatsiya qilish boʻlib, unda ota-onalar, jamiyatimiz va oʻqituvchilarimizning rolini keng yoritib borishdan iborat. Innovatsiya, texnologiya va strategiya markazi – ITSM Download

Visit to Finland for Learning about Educational Innovations

12.11.2019 3413

Representatives of the "Innovation, Technology and Strategy Center" under the Ministry of Public Education visited Helsinki, Finland with a working visit on 4-8 November, 2019. Initially, a meeting was held with the representative of the leadership of the Finnish National Agency for Education Leo Pahkin, where discussed aspects that could be studied from the Finnish education system. Information was also presented on the Public Education system of Uzbekistan and the activities of the ITS Center. During the visit, the activities of school and extracurricular educational centers in Finland were studied. In particular, the hosts have presented the innovative approach to teaching subjects of STEAM...

The implementation of the demo version of the pilot project of Interactive and Virtual education "EduMarket" has started

25.10.2019 2831

On October 24, a demo version of the pilot project of Interactive and Virtual education "EduMarket" for primary school children was launched at the secondary school No. 94 in Tashkent. This project is being implemented by the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy under the Ministry of Public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan as part of the "Road map" "further development, acceleration and improvement of the Public education". The project provides equal opportunities for children to get knowledge in the form of developmental exercises (with a selection of classes by age), promoting the development of skills in the IT field, attention,...

School № 22 in Tashkent reached the final of the International Competition for Sustainable Development

24.10.2019 2819

The project “Take the Power from the Sun”, developed by the school No. 22 of the Almazar district inTashkent with the support of the Innovation, Technology and Strategy Center under the Ministry of Public Education, became the finalist of the United Arab Emirates’ Zayed Sustainability Prize from Europe and Central Asia. 2373 applications were received from 129 countries in five areas of the competition. Finalists, including school № 22 in Tashkent, were invited to the gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi, which will be held in January 2020. The winners will be announced during this ceremony and awarded a prize of $...

Uzbekistan and the UAE shall cooperate together to reform the future of public education system

19.10.2019 3346

On October 17 current year, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Hassan Alhair, Deputy Assistant Minister for Accreditation and Educational Services of the UAE, and Khalid Aljasmi, Executive Director of International Organizations. During the meeting, the parties exchanged information on reforms in the field of education and agreed on the main directions of bilateral cooperation. This cooperation, planned by the Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy under the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education of the UAE, will be carried out in the following areas: -     system of...

RoboCraft courses open at three «Barkamol Avlod» schools

18.10.2019 3360

On October 17, the launch ceremony of specialized "RoboCraft" robotics courses was held at three Barkamol Avlod schools. The courses are opened at the Barkamol Avlod schools of the Sergeli, Yashnabad and Yakkasaray districts of the city of Tashkent as part of the implementation of the Five Initiatives of the President of Uzbekistan and the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically increase the effectiveness of afterschool education in the public education system." "RoboCraft" is a specialized course where every child who wishes can learn how to design and program robots. The founders of this course offer an innovative approach...

Competition is announced for the "Development of an electronic platform for interactive virtual education - "Virtual Ta'lim"

28.09.2019 3157

SUE "Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy" under the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter – the State Partner) announces a competition for participation in the Public-Private Partnership Project "Development of electronic platform for interactive virtual education - "Virtual Ta'lim". Competition subject: Development of an electronic platform for interactive virtual education - “Virtual Ta‘lim” (hereinafter - the subject of PPP); The subject of PPP will be developed by the winner of the competition and used in long-term free use, in accordance with the following conditions for a period of up to 49 years (according to the Law of the...

More than 2700 schools in Uzbekistan will receive modern computers

30.08.2019 2715

The Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan will acquire 2,859 computer-teaching classes for secondary schools in the country. South Korean company KT won a tender for the supply of educational computer classes. On June 7, the Minister of Education Sherzod Shermatov and the president of KT, Yu Yong Park, signed a contract for the supply of educational computer classes. KT won the tender for the supply of educational computer classes in the framework of the project “Further Development of Information and Communication Technologies in School Education”. The project is funded by a loan from the Export-Import Bank (Eximbank) of the Republic of...

President Mirziyoyev signs a decree on formation of Presidential schools

26.08.2019 2769

On February 20, Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree “On measures for formation of presidential schools”. The main goal of the presidential schools is to train and educate the gifted children of Uzbekistan using advanced technologies in the educational process, stimulate talented young people, as well as their continued support. Presidential schools will be formed in all regions and in Tashkent city in the form of public specialized general education institutions. It is noted that in 2019, the first schools will be constructed in three places at once: in Tashkent and Nukus cities, as well as in Khorezm region. In turn, in 2020 it...

Center of innovation, technology and strategy launched the UzEduBot bot in the Telegram messenger

19.08.2019 2526

The Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan launched the UzEduBot bot in the Telegram messenger. The main goal of UzEduBot is to create convenience for obtaining information about the public education system of Uzbekistan. Using the bot, users can find information and contact details of the Ministry of Public Education, republican institutions, regional administrations and the district public education departments. Also, users of the bot can get information about general education and specialized schools with their addresses. At the same time, users using the bot can easily find the location of organizations and schools on the map. The new system also provides information on ministry...