Ministry of Public Education implementing KPI system



Nothing is easier than being busy, and nothing is more difficult than being productive. The work in your office is in full swing like in an anthill, and everything seems to be in business, but the efficiency of the organization is not growing? What is the reason?

The point is, most of the actions employees take are actually of no value. For example, one employee spent an hour writing a “Thank You” letter, and another employee spent an hour writing a letter that led to a large contract. Which employee is more efficient? To understand this, you need to have a scale for assessing staff performance - key indicators.

A meeting on the introduction of a system of key performance indicators (KPI) was held at the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. With the help of the ITSM team, together with the consultants of "SMART STAFF SOLUTIONS" LLC, a system for evaluating the performance of the MPE employees is being developed, as a result of which it is possible to assess their strengths and weaknesses and how much the effort spent coincides with the result. Also, a system of remuneration based on performance indicators will be formed, which helps to motivate employees to achieve the highest results in their work, helps in implementing the strategic goals of the organization. Thanks to the emergence of new systems and methods of personnel motivation, it became possible to radically change the attitude of the organization's personnel to the work performed. The system of key indicators today has established itself as an effective tool for motivating personnel.

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